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>> Águila por Rowan Crawford <<
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>> Loro por Autor Desconocido <<
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>> Gallo por Joan Stark <<
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>> Pajaro y Nido por Autor Desconocido <<
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>> Pájaro por Daron Brewood <<
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>> Pájaro con Gusano por Koshy George <<
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>> Pájaros por Joan Stark <<
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>> Pollitos Bailando por Autor desconocido <<
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/( )\ <( )| <( )> >( )> (> )< (><)
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>> Patitos por Autores Desconocidos <<
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>> Pollito por Autor Desconocido <<
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>> Pavo Real por Autor Desconocido <<
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>> 2 Pajaritos por Joris Bellenger <<
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>> Loro por Joris Bellenger <<
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>> Flamenco por Rowan Crawford <<
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>> Águila por Red Phoenix << ¿¿??
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>> Pajaritos por Autores Desconocidos <<
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>> Pollito por Autor Desconocido <<
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>> Pajarito por Ed Savage <<
^^\< Ed Savage
>> Búhos por Autor Desconocido <<
___ ___ _v_ v_v ___
<*,*> <*,*> <*,*> <*,*> <`,'>
[`-'] =^`-'^= [`-'] [`-'] [`-']
-"-"- " " -"-"- -"-"- -"-"-
owl flying owl punk owl owl with antlers chinese owl
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
<*,-> <-,-> <+,+> <@,@> <$,$>
[`-'] [`-'] [`-'] [`-'] [`-']
-"-"- -"-"- -"-"- -"-"- -"-"-
winking owl sleeping owl drunk owl caffeinated owl greedy owl
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
{*,*} <=,=> (),() <o_o> <^,^>
[`-'] [`-'] [`-'] [ \_] [`-']
-"-"- -"-"- -"-"- -"-"- -"-"-
owl listening shrewd owl wide-eyed owl shy owl happy owl
to walkman _ _
___ ___ _|||_ /_ _( )_
<#,#> -O,O- <*,*> <*,*> <*,*>
[`-'] [`-'] [`-'] [`-'] [`-']
-"-"- -"-"- -"-"- -"-"- -"-"-
TV-eyed owl with glasses with top hat owl with fez cowboy owl
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
<*_*> <*,*> <*,*> <*,*> <*,*>
[ \] [`-// [`-'] [`o'] [`S']
-"-"- -"-"- -"--- -"-"- -"-"-
owl smoking owl with sling one-legged owl with medalion super owl
___ -"-"- o _____ _.
<*,*> [,-,] o /o __ \_/ | * * "owl"
[`~'] <*'*> o[ /// _ <
-"-"- --- `-----' `-'
vampire owl owl pretending surreal owl owl in cave owl
to be a bat ___ ___ . .
|_| (___) * /_\ )_(
W <*,*> <*,*> <*,*> <*,*>
|-[`-']_. <*,*> =^`-'^= [`-'] [`-']
| -"-"- ~~~~~ -"-"- -"-"- -"-"-
devil owl deviled owl angel owl santa owl martian owl
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
<","> (*I*) <- -> < * > <+,+>
[`='] [`-'] [' `] [`-'] >>>>>>>
-"-"- -"-"- -"-"- -"-"- <<<<<<<
owl with baggy-eyed owl crying owl cyclops owl roadkill owl
lipstick and
long eyelashes
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
<+,+> <@,@> <*,*> <-,-> <$,$>
[`-'] [`-'] [`-'] [`-'] [`-']
-"-"- -"-"- -"--- -"-"- -"-"-
drunk owl owl junkie one legged owl shrewd owl greedy owl
___ ___ ___ ___
<*,-> <*,*> < > <** >,
[`-'] [`S'] [ ] "`-']
-"-"- -"-"- "[---
confidential owl super owl minimalist owl cubist owl
O o o
___ ^_^ ___ |_|
<*,*> <*,*> < > < , >
[`-'] [`-'] [ v ] [`-']
-"-"- -"-"- --"-- -"-"-
Holy owl Satanic owl Owl from behind Martian Owl
o o
___ |_| ___ ___
<\,/> <*,*> <:,:> <<***>>
[`-'] [`-'] [`-'] [`-']
-"-"- -"-"- -"-"- -"-"-
Satanic owl Martian Owl Saying yes owl Saying no owl
___ ___ ___ ___ } ___
<-o-> <d,b> <*,*>_<*,*> { <@,@>
[`-'] [`-'] [`-'___`-'] U---'-']
-"-"- -"-"- --"-----"-- -"-"-
Tired owl Sad owl Siamese owl(s) owl smoking
_____ ___ _ _ _ _ _____ ___ ___
/ ___ \ <*,*> > > > > <* , *> < * > <*,*>
(|<*,*>|) [`-'] ] ] ] ] [`---'] [`-'] [`=']
[`-'] -"-"- - - - - -"---"- -"-"- -"-"-
owl wearing high speed fat owl cyclopian owl
headphones owl owl wearing
lip gloss
. . .
(*) (+) =!= ===
<*,*> <*,*> <*,*> <>
[`:'] [`+'] [`-'] [["="]]
-"-"- -"-"- -"-"- -""-""-
flying squad bishop indian owl owl perched on
(UK police) (brave) pneumatic drill
R L Samuel
="="== ]
olw playing
owl playing
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